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Where is this project?

We looked at a 5.5-mile stretch of Ribaut Road, beginning with Boundary Street in Beaufort and ending at the Russell Bell Bridge in Port Royal.

What will we do with
this Plan?

This plan emphasizes a "Complete Streets approach", looking at all aspects of Ribaut Road to make sure that it serves the needs of all users, whether you're on two feet or two wheels. Through detailed analyses of travel conditions for motor vehicles, bicyclists, pedestrians, transit, and other users, street connectivity, and land use and growth patterns, we developed a new concept design for Ribaut Road that better meets everyone's needs.

Why do this now?

Ribaut Road is an important part of our communities, and several studies have focused on various sections of the corridor. With new development projects on the horizon, the expansion of the Spanish Moss Trail, and road improvements occurring, it's important to develop in a coordinated, cohesive, consistent fashion.

Study Area

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